Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When do you ship?

A: We ship on Monday-Thursday.

Q: What courier service do you use?

A: We use UPS in the winter and fall and USPS in the summer and spring.

Q: I paid for overnight shipping but you haven’t shipped my fish yet, why’s that?

A: “Overnight shipping” refers only to the method by which the package carrier will deliver your fish. It does not mean that we will ship your fish the same day or even necessarily the next day after you order.

Q: My fish arrived dead, what do i do?

A:  Submit a DOA claim as soon as possible! Learn how to submit a DOA claim by clicking here:

Q: What if my fish arrives alive but dies after?

A: Once the fish is added to your aquarium, we are not responsible for sudden deaths or illnesses. We ship healthy fish, once they are in your system, their continued good health is your responsibility.

Q: Can I cancel my order?

A: Yes, you can cancel your order as long as it hasn’t been shipped yet.

Q: Do u ship internationally?

A: No, we only ship to the U.S.